My child want from this
2) pink highlights
3)hair cut
4)to green
now she wants to go to this...
How far should I let this go as a mother?
This is all over the last past 5 months...
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
Tell her that she is able to choose 1 more hairstyle and after that... don't let her change it anymore.
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
well, you can't stop her from doing it. she's not a little baby that you pick outfits for. let her do it, and if she thinks it was a mistake let her learn from it, instead of being mad at you for not letting her do it. be on her side
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
uhm im 14 as well and i like to be independent so i think if she really wants to do it you should let her do it.
the style is really cute too. :]
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
i think you should stop her right now!!!!!!!!!!! i thought the short hair cut was cute, but when it got to the dyeing after the short hair cut. that was enough, but i personally dont like the last hair cut she did. but thats just my opinion. i think she has gone far enough. Good Luck
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
That's tricky. I've been a hairstylist for 16 years AND I have a 14 y/o daughter!!! Looking at the pictures of what she's had, she may have a very difficult time achieving the result in that last picture. It's extremely difficult to bleach out darker artificial color and achieve a blonde that isn't brassy. If she is able to reach that blonde, she will have VERY VERY VERY damaged hair %26amp; may end up having to cut off more than she would have liked to!!! Maybe that'll change her mind!!! I hope she will go to a salon %26amp; not try this at home!!!
As far as how you might feel about it(as her mother), I would have to say......if you are uncomfortable with it, maybe help her find something you might be able to compromise on!!! Check out what her schoool regulations are too!!
Hope this helps!
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
I would let her express herself now so she will grow out of it when she gets a little older. Im 18 yrs old and i use to dye my hair from the time i was 13 till now but i use to do the punk colors and the weird hair styles but not i realize natural is better and i dont need to do all that to ruin my hair. so let it be her desision then one day she will realize. And im a very stubborn person no body can tell me anything i always wanted it my way and never realized but now i do. good luck!
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
SHE'S ONLY 14?! she looks like shes 17 or something! all in 5 months! shes cute but young. i guess she gets bored easily like myself but i don't even take it to that. her hair got shorter, and shorter... don't let her cut it anymore for a while!
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
My daughter is 15 and done it all. Guess what? The more you make a big deal of it, the more she will want to shock you! If you let her do whatever she wants and let her experiment, she will outgrow it alot me! Wait till she gets to the piercings!!!!!!
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
Hi there!
Well i think this is normal and it's phase for teens.
You should let her dye her hair..She will learn from her mistakes sooner or later...She will mature when she enters into adulthood.Besides,this is almost the age of dyeing her hair.Actually 15 is the age,but she's close!
Hope this helps
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
i let my daughter do whatever she wants right now, cause I know shes gonna get board with all of that and be normal soon!! hopefully
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
I think the hair cut looks great! But if she dyes it much more she's npt going to have good hair. Instead of teling her she can't do it, maybe take her to a salon to get their opinion- im sure they'd say it's going to damage her hair %26amp; hopefully she'll give it a rest for a while!
It's easy to say 'stop it right now' but if you flat out say no, she'll probably want it even more! That's what happened to me, i wasn't allowed to colour my hair at all! But then when i started earning my own money at 16 i got foils and colours put in. Nothing outrageous though- i was too scared mum would maker me cut my hair! At least with hair, you can cut it or just dye it back to black!
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
she looks older than 14. but anyways. i like the last haircolor with the blonde..i think it looks better than what she has had. i think u should let her do it. its her hair even though if she continues to color it so much it will damage it alot. but once she is old she isn't gonna be able to do diff colors like that. but i know i wouldnt have let her do pink or green that looked like amess. but i would make her pay for then she might cut back on getting it colored so much.
As a mother of a 14 y. o. how far should I let her go with her hair?
when i was 13 my mom sat me down and told me that from then out i was in charge of my hair if i ruined it doing what ever I wanted she wouldn't pay to fix it but if i asked for help she was there. After 14 years your daughther should know what her hair can and can't withstand i think its time to just let her find herself through her hair and any other way. she's no longer a child
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