Wednesday, July 29, 2009

What are good colors for my hair?

I hav very pale skin, with slightly pink cheeks. i have really light bruises under my eyes that i dont bother covering. my eyes are dark brown with kind of gold specks. My natural hair color is a cold meduim brown that looks slightly blond in the light but i've been dying it really yellow blond for a while but i need a change. Im thinking of dying it a cold dark brown but i'm not sure. does anyone have suggestions?

What are good colors for my hair?

What about Chocolate Cherry? It is a dark brown with red tint.


What are good colors for my hair?

pink, violet, and yellow

What are good colors for my hair?

I would try a red or an auburn.

What are good colors for my hair?

a dark chocolate brown. your skin will look very pale and pretty for winter!

What are good colors for my hair?

red hair!! you'll look sexy =D

What are good colors for my hair?

Since you have a pale skin tone,

I'd go with a dark brown or a deep red,

with a few lighter highlights.


What are good colors for my hair?

instead of dying your whole head, i think that highlights look just as good, even better. right now i have caramel blond/brown highlights in my hair and they make me look awesome (i have the same features as u , pale skin, dark eyes) so yeh that would look awesome. good luck

What are good colors for my hair?

I have the exact skin tone and bruises as you but I don't have gold specks on my eyes. They're actually greenish specks. well anyway, my hair is red with chunky gold highlights. looks great. The hair is natural red but the highlights are artificial. Also I have some really thin copper highlights that you can also get put in but they're really thin and kinda blend but even though you can't see a difference you can still tell it looks better with the copper.

red head, thick gold highlights, super thin copper highlights, light skin.

What are good colors for my hair?


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