if i put pink hair dye(liquid) in that peroxide mix that is usually in a regular box of hair dye... will it show up with a lil tint on black hair??
Putting hairdye in peroxide?
im sorry ,i dont know i want to know if i put peroxide in my hair like twice will it lighten it and or will i damage it ??
Putting hairdye in peroxide?
Oh, I think you should try it! You did take chemestry in school right??????Why don't you go to the Beauty Supply and buy the washout-able pink?
Putting hairdye in peroxide?
I wouldn't try it. You need to let a pro do it for you or you could end up with a real nightmare.
Putting hairdye in peroxide?
yes it would be cute
I think i depends what hair dye you use, some you can mix with peroxide. However, all vegetable based dyes like, Stargazer, Manic Panic, Special Effect and LaRiche Directions are not to be mixed with peroxide. If your unsure if the dye is suitable to be mixed with peroxide then dont do it!