Wednesday, October 7, 2009

I have the weirdest dreams. Any meaning?

I really don't think dreams have any meaning. But here are just a few examples of my dreams:

1) The other night I dreamt I was kidnapped by Jeff Daniels and Annie Ross and they tried to kill me. I fought back and took the gun and shot Daniels in the head and Ross in the chest. Then the car stopped and Barrack Obama put the bodies out of the car. Then I go back to my job and I see a friend of mine with pink hair. Then I go to my supervisors and they laugh at me.

2) I'm at work and these two Chinese business men (the Nintendo guys) bring me to the stairwell of my work with Pres. Bush. We all sit and chat and laugh then suddenly we get up and they shoot me in the head.

3) Someone who I hardly knew back in high school proposes to me in Paris while talking about expressionism in art.

4) Burt Reynolds came after me with a knife on a boat.

5) My mother marries Burt Reynolds and the minister is a supervisor at my workplace.

I have the weirdest dreams. Any meaning?

Here's a site you can go to and discover the meanings of these dreams.

I have the weirdest dreams. Any meaning?

too much booze.

I have the weirdest dreams. Any meaning?

crack is whack...dont do drugs

I have the weirdest dreams. Any meaning?

Yeah, they mean you do too many drugs.

I have the weirdest dreams. Any meaning?

I picked up a book randomly and the library and it said something on this topic. Supposedly, your mind takes mental pictures of everything you see, and during your dream phase of sleep everything just sort of comes out randomly and all scrambled up. So I'm guessing you watch a lot of TV with shooting, boats, and dead people, you're work takes up a lot of your time, and the random button was really feeling cheeky and brought up the obscure things like the high school friend and such. Dreams are so random I think this is a reasonable explanation... I dunno, but for what it's worth...

I have the weirdest dreams. Any meaning?

I think it means that you shouldn't go asleep again

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