i had a bet with my cousin Kristin and i lost the bet. the deal was that if i lost the bet she would get to dye my hair pink and i would have to keep it pink for 2 weeks. should i be a man of my word and do it or back out. i tried to make a comprimise but she wants me to get pink hair and wont comprimise. what should i do?
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use temporary ink hair spray and just apply when ever u meet her, and u can wash is off when she is not around u
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live in in the pink zone man haha suck it up and b a man
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suck it up. you made the bet. get ready to enjoy some pink hair.
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wel man, a bet is a bet!!i never break them, but if she is cool with it, u shud try talk her out of it, maybe double or quits!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)
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You should go forward with your half of the bet. You have to keep your word.
Maybe you can accessorize and match your new pink hair with your outfits.
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do u have learning difficulties
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Do it!
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let her do it... you may get some extra attention... then in two weeks just dye it back.. next tim eyou bet someone make sure you are right... in fact you should make a bet with her about something you know for a fact and bet her to dye her hair green or blue for payback... make sure you are right this time...
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first of all: no more bets with her!
2nd: do it. you'll look like a 'man' and even if you get made fun of for it or picked on, you can say "hey, at least i did it". just don't go bright bright pink. try to keep it 'subtle'
good luck!
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Pink Hair, PLEASE! Don't make bets you are willing to keep. What was the bet? I'm dying to know!
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Yeah, keep your word...when she dyes it, later on in the night, dye it a black over the pink...that way you'll still keep your bet of keeping the pink dye in...
he he he, that's sneaky...
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do it. u can always die it back.
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Well, if you are a man of your word, you'll keep your end of the bargain.
Did your bet specify the hair on your head???? If not, tell her she can dye your under arm or chest hair pink.
Good luck!
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yea be a man and do it or else u will have a bad reutaion like everyone will say no he does not keep his word u can not trust him so yea do it be a man and keep a good reutaion k
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A bets a bet. It's only 2 weeks after all. Just be careful the next time you decide to bet again.
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Hell i would do it
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I would never dye my hair pink...that is so gay...no way dude, tell cous to pick something else...unless you are gay, then go for it.
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don't welch out on a bet. Your word of honor is the most important posession you own.
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If you are a man of your word and lost the bet, then for
2 weeks your are obligated to have pink hair.
Make sure to use a temporary dye, not Manic Panic
or something that will be impossible to get out.
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Don't write checks your @ss can't handle.
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Do it you lost the bet and you promised it. If you do it girls will trust you in your promises because its like that
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Yes do it but get one that washes out after 1 shampoo, maek sure you buy it though so you can be sneeky.
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don't be a bitc* do it i lost my bet but my cousins didn't dry my hair they shaved it
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I think you need to evaluate the potential ramifications before coloring your hair pink. Will it affect your job? Your relationships?
If not, suck it up and dye the hair. Losing a bet is losing a bet, but at the same time, if it might cost you your job, I would beg for another "punishment"
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do it pinks fine
ive got blonde red and pink in my hair my gf did that
it looks fine
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a bets a bet, if nothing else in life, u should always be someone of your word.. ur word should always be ur bond, and thats how people tell a trustworthy person , if they always keep to ur word.. and trustworthy people always get respect..
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Look at my picture. I have no hair; just be grateful you have hair to dye pink. I would have to get a big Ronald McDonald wig to look like you. Please, send me a picture of yourself when you lose another bet.
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Hell yeah! men are men Dye it pink. After All REAL MEN WEAR PINK.
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get hair extensions? at least you can take them off once your cousin is out of sight.... anyways yeah about being a man of ur word i think you shoulda taken on a bet u would DEFINITELY FOR SURE be willing to take up, unless u r so sure u'll win. that is if she is unwilling to compromise. beg her?
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