Saturday, August 1, 2009

What's the name of this children's book?

I can't remember the name of a book I read as a kid and think my daughter would love it.

It's about a woman who meets a fairy. The woman is disabled and really wants to have kids. The fairy helps her, but the womans daughter ends up with pink hair. So the fairy has to gather more magic to fix it and ends up in trouble with the fairy queen. She is imprisoned in a wasps nest. Thats all I remember.

Anyone recognize it?

What's the name of this children's book?

Is it "The Fairy Rebel" by Lynne Reid Banks?

The fairy rebel /

Lynne Reid Banks; Bill Geldart

1989, 漏1985

English Book : Fiction : Juvenile audience 118 p. : ill. ; 19 cm.

New York : Avon Books, ; ISBN: 0380706504 (pbk.) : 9780380706501 (pbk.)

Tiki knows that the Fairy Queen forbids her to use magic powers on humans, but when she is accidentally "earthed" on Jan's foot, she finds it impossible to resist Jan's plea for a baby.

1 comment:

  1. yey!! I couldnt remember this book an i used to love it as a kid! I just googled 'fairy pink hair book' and it bought me here. wicked I can look for the book now!
