recently, i've opened my eyes and realized that i get quite a few glances from different guys around. usually what'll happen is, i'll catch a guy looking at me but as SOON as he's caught he'll look away, he wont hold the eye contact, and then either glance back right after, or glance back again sometime throughout the day. and they all seem to do this?
ive been waiting for at least one of them to come up and talk to me, but they dont. so im not quite sure of the motive of their staring?
are they staring because they like what they see? im a pretty normal person, so i dont look all crazy, like i dont have bright pink hair or anything, its just blonde. but i AM confused. lol.
thanks for your answers :D
For the guys!?
lol, sorry to be here, but hey, I could give ya another point of view.
the options:
1) they look but when you look back, they feel shy
2) they could be interested, but afraid of rejection
3) maybe they are afraid you have a bf and he's around.
For the guys!?
they are looking at you because they are attracted and dont want you to know it --- we are not really all that good at hiding --- they probably fear rejection so they dont approach --- maybe catch the eye of the one you are most interested in and smile --- see what happens ---- best wishes
For the guys!?
You must be eye candy. What are you confused about? If a guy doesn't come up to you, then maybe it's the result of something else. Guys don't just stare for no reason. You know, as a guy, I've noticed that I do that also. If I see a pretty girl and keep looking at them until they catch me and then I look away real quick. But as soon as I realize they're not looking again, I do it again. I guess you just want something nice to look at. It's weird I know. But you wanted a guy's opinion and you got this guy's opinion. :)
Hope that helps.
For the guys!?
guys stare for many reasons! r u wearin tight or skimpy clothing? r u showing cleavage? or maybe ur just a natural beauty and guys r intimidated by this, thus feel threatened to approach you
For the guys!?
don't be confused... guys always to that.. stare at girls... it want they call.. sizing up... and don't b offended wen they do it.. as u said... once u caught them looking at u they look the other way... i wud... specially if the person im looking at is cute... pretty... and all that... u should be flattered and not confused... so in the mean time... if u see them staring... stare back.. for the one hu can look u straight into the eye... for sure he's the guy...
For the guys!?
Most of us are not as cocky(lol) bad choice of words as we seem.What if I go say hi cause i think you are pretty and you laugh and say something that makes me look even more stupid than i feel....So we stare daydream and know our place.And for me i would just say something stupid any way
For the guys!?
most guys are just shy to approach a good looking girl, just smile and let him know you caught him looking, dont give a disgusted face, or approach him.
For the guys!?
guys ALWAYS try to hide any attraction at all. i find myself staring when i dont realize it and then when the person looks, i am shy and i look away. they probably think you either dont like them or that you would reject them. but if they stare, they like you!
For the guys!?
i knw this was for guys but you took the words right out of my mouth i so deal with the same thing. im like don't look at me so hard if you arent going to say anything to me it weirds me out a little. but this guy i met at work told me that i must have guys trying to talk to me all the time when i told him no he said that they probably are afraid that i am going to turn them down. the only reason he approached me is because a friend of his told him he saw me at work and he wanted to see who i was. he said that he thought i was going to give him the wrong phone number. he even told me that he hates rejection. so i think that is your answer!
For the guys!?
Maybe they are attracted to some portion of your body? They know they shouldn't stare at "it". That's why they look away when you look at them!
For the guys!?
This is pretty simple.
Guys are "dawgs"
They are looking for a place to bury their "bone".
It doesnt matter where it is.
Now with that being said let me let you in on something.
Women and Men are alot alike, the problem is the way they work the similarities.
Women can see a guy and in 5 seconds know whether or not they want to be with them. After that, it usually takes alot of time.
Men will look at a women and it wont absorp for a while. It is almost as if they are trying to memorize every detail of everything.
The looking away is just because men dont want you to know they are looking at you, just the same for women. No one wants to be caught off gaurd looking at the goodies of someone you are interested in.
It is just human nature for them to stare.
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