Saturday, August 1, 2009


recently, i've opened my eyes and realized that i get quite a few glances from different guys around. usually what'll happen is, i'll catch a guy looking at me but as SOON as he's caught he'll look away, he wont hold the eye contact, and then either glance back right after, or glance back again sometime throughout the day. and they all seem to do this?

ive been waiting for at least one of them to come up and talk to me, but they dont. so im not quite sure of the motive of their staring?

are they staring because they like what they see? im a pretty normal person, so i dont look all crazy, like i dont have bright pink hair or anything, its just blonde. but i AM confused. lol.

thanks for your answers :D


Girls always think eye contact is this big meaningful hint. It's nothing. If you are half cute guys are going to look at you. If you want them to talk to you then give them an excuse to approach you. Ask for a favor or something.


. Eye contact is the most important way of seeing a guy.If you have eye contact and you like the guy, give a smile,a nod or both and break the eye contact.As if you don't,he'll think it's a challenge of wills.

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